Why Doesn’t CafePress Use Flash?
Nobody wants to learn how to use Photoshop in order to make a custom tshirt. The interface used by Fauxto is powerful but seriously, as a casual consumer looking to slap a photo on a t-shirt and print it, this sort of interface will scare them off.
They’ll prob do well to keep both versions on site, the simple Ajax version and the more advanced Flash version.
其实Ajax在图形处理上有两个很大的瓶颈:- 第一个是图形上传,因为用Activex控件比较受诟病,这点Flash更好。这是一个门槛
- 第二个是图形的处理,最简单的例子是旋转,这点在html下不好实现,其他就更多
Rich internet Application是绕不开的,我们要考虑的是,用成熟的Flash还是alpha的WPE/F.结论不言而喻,我总不能等到2008年。
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